I finally had some time to take some photos of work. Attached are a photo of one of the matching pair of Maloof inspired tables I made using your plans. These are constructed from tiger maple that I purchased in Norfolk Virginia from a small sawmill that acquired the logs from upstate New York. I did not take a photo of the top as it was difficult to capture the light well to demonstrate the tiger stripes. The top is extremely figured as he used the more figured material for 4/4 stock and the 6/4 stock is slightly less figured. The finish is transtint antique maple with sanding sealer (then sanded off) followed by Waterlox satin.
FYI, your plans for the table are excellent. This is a very simple project and the video and plans are perfect. I was able to construct each table from 1 piece of 6/4 lumber 8’ x 8” wide and 1 piece of 4/4 8’ x 7” wide. The mill where I purchased the tiger maple has just milled 10,000 bf of tiger cherry which he indicates is almost as figured as the maple. I am contemplating purchasing enough to build a kitchen table and 4 chairs (however this would be a yearlong project for me). I will let you know what I decide.
The second are a better photo of my bar stools made from cherry. These were fumed with ammonia and finished with Waterlox satin finish. I sent a lesser quality of these previously.
The third photo has nothing to do with Maloof style work. I also enjoy turning and had taken some photos of my work for the North Carolina Woodworker Forum calendar contest (Ncwoodworker.net) and this photo turned out amazing and just thought you would enjoy the photo.
Jeff C.
Hi Scott
I don't know if you get sick of people sending photos of the chairs they make, but here is mine.
It's the first piece I've ever completed. I didn't even have ANY tools as of March this year. Thanks so much for the fantastic design and the great DVD.
I just started the table DVD today. Although I like it a lot, I will miss seeing your smiling mug! Oh, and thanks for taking my phone calls and emails. That really means a lot to me.
Ken H.
Hi Scott
After I bought your plans, I spoke to you a couple of times about some details regarding building the Maloof rocker. After a few twists and turns (and two near disasters) I'm pleased to say I completed the rocker in time to give it to my brother at his 50th birthday party. Not known for being a softee, he still teared up when I gave it to him, then called me a dirty name for making him cry in front of his family and friends. (I win!). He lives with and takes care of our 89 year old mom, which I figured was worth a chair. After I finished it, I knocked down the gloss, and the finish is now much better. Our mom has now pretty much taken over the chair and I suspect Kevin will get it back after she goes to her great reward. I said I'd send some pictures after it was done so here they are. In the last two pictures, I'm the one in the blue shirt and white shorts. My brother Kevin is in the yellow shirt.
Tom C.
I finished the Side Table and have attached a picture for you. I again learned a lot on the project my grade a B-.
I started the Rocking Chair and did a lot of wood planning and final sanding yesteriday and selection of boards for the seat, legs, arm and so on. I reviewed the first two chapters and I want to make sure I have the router bit needs correctly before I go ahead and order some more bits. If I understand correctly I need a positive 5 degree Maloof bit and a negitive 5 degrees Maloof bit also? The only place I have found I can get these bits is Highland Woodworking.
As always thanks in advice for all your help.
Ron M.
Hi Scott,
I wanted to thank you for the Elegant Rocker DVD and templates. They made it possible for me to build the elegant rocker which I am enjoying very much. My primary wood was cherry, and all the accent pieces were walnut. The was my first exposure to a rubbed oil finish, and I really like the process and the result. Attached is a photograph of the completed rocker.
The one important snag I ran into was in drilling the holes for the spindles in the seat. Because some of the spindles are not perpendicular to the seat there is an increased tendency for the drill bit to "walk" away from its intended location. That happened to me for one of the spindles. I was able to repair it, but, of course, I will always see it even if no one else does. Perhaps it would help to predrill each of the spindle holes in the seat with a smaller drill bit before using the 1/2" drill bit.
Even though it was an ambitious project it turned out well and I am very grateful to you for making it possible for me to build. Thanks very much. I look forward to building some low back chairs next.
Brian C.
I hope you are doing well. I'm catching up on a few things and thought I'd send some photo's of your designs that I made. I've only made 4 of the 10 barstools I promised my wife, but should have them all finished by the end of the year. I made a list of things I need to improve, it is always a work in progress.
I enjoy your designs and look forward to trying more. Your videos have their humorous moments, and a good laugh is always appreciated. I'm also sending some tea party chair photos in following emails. Thanks,
Dave B.
Hi Folks,
I just wanted to let you know my side table DVD and templates arrived safe and sound today. I also wanted to let you know just how great of a learning tool the Rocker DVD and template set really is. You took a hobbyist with only 4 yrs. of wood working experience and managed to get him to complete a dream project. When I first started I was trying to figure out how to tell my wife some one stole $700.00 of my wood so I wouldn't be able to finish it.Once I got going and worked with the DVD's I realized it just might be possible to pull it off.I made a lot of mistakes but I'm at the point where I'm ready to start putting on a finish and I'm satisfied. So take a bow you sure deserve it! Best regards,
Its good to hear from you again. Hot again in texas, wish i was in Montana. We have a place in Cloudcroft N.M. and we are heading there in july to get out of the heat for awhile. Here are some pics of a rocker and bar stool made of Pecan,what a deal. Hardest wood i have ever worked with. Going to start the rocker cradle when we get back from our trip. It will be made of Black Walnut. Keep in touch and have a good Fathers Day.
Michael M.
Finished! Mostly followed your excellent video. Thanks for taking the time to make it so detailed. Not perfect but I’m reasonably satisfied for my first attempt. These pics are poor but show start, middle and end of project—I’ll have my friend take better ones later on. Lessons learned: I’ll more carefully band saw next time to avoid so much sanding! Also, I’ll more carefully watch the back side of my grinder and sander, because I got several inadvertent hits from there!
Have you ever made the rear legs rounded (laminations, with round overs, like the rockers)?
Steve O.
Dear Scott Morrison,
This are the pictures of the stool I build based on your DVD. Despite the fact that it was my very first woodworking project I was able to finish it.But I have to admit, it took me almost one month to build it.I hope your eBook will be as mach help as your DVD.
Best regards
Hi Scott,
I hope all is going well and you are taking a little time to hit a few hatches on the river.
I keep on getting you notices on your new DVD’s but I am waiting to get something on the Armstrong chair. Do you have the front and back leg templates for this chair that you are willing to sell yet? When you are ready let me know. I have attached a picture of my last Maloof inspired rocker. I am just about done with its twin. I will be giving them both away to my sisters for their birthdays this summer.
The Tea chair that I made from the plans I purchased from you plus a rocker, a lowback chair and lambing chair that I have recently made. The timber is swamp kauri felled during the Taupo eruption 2000 years ago and buried in a swamp. The laminations in the rocker is swamp kauri and fresh kauri. The lambing chair is poplar. I'll be purchasing one of the other plans off you soon, though I'm going over to england and France for awhile in 3 weeks time, I'll get back into my woodwork when I come back.
Thanks again for the help.
This is my second chair in cherry using your plans. I thought I remembered from the first one, but constantly referred back to your excellent plans. I added personalized touch to this one with a laser etched headrest in honor of Rose, my latest granddaughter. Thanks again.
P.S. I got my local wood supplier to re saw the cherry 8/4 for me to 1/8 inch strips to make that part safer and simpler.
Steve D.
Hi Scott,
Here are some pictures of the Rocking Chair I built using your plans. This is only my second piece of furniture I have ever built and my first chair. You did a great job on the templates and the video. Thanks so much. She is due anytime. Thank goodness I delivered the chair before my daughter did.
Will D.
Hi Scott,
Well, we made it out to Deadwood. Thanks for the recommendation, its a really cool town.
Again, I want to say thank you for yesterday and all the time you spent with the two of us. We were blown away by your hospitality and generosity. Meeting with you was so encouraging and informative.
Theresa and I know we have our work cut out for us, but look forward to the challenge and are ready to get it started. The business and life you have built for yourself is such an inspiration. Our goal is to definitely achieve that one day.
I hope your offer still stands as far as coming back and working with you. I would cherish the experience more than you know. Grunt work is fine with me, as long as we can make some time for a few glasses of scotch! Seriously though, if you are truly looking for "that guy" I would love the opportunity to see if you think I fit the mold. Either way, we have so much in common that I am sure a good friendship is in our future. Cheers,
Michael M.
Happy Easter to you and your family. We are going to have lamb chops for supper this afternoon. The sky is clear and no snow for now. Just a little bit on the ground around here. Rain in a couple of days. Thank you, thank you so very much for a better DVD. This one works very well. It put me in the mood to make that Butterfly joint and the stool project which I have put off for two years or so. I think that joint is very strong and I'm going to us it in other projects I hope. I would like to tell you about Oben. It is a small town in Scotland not more than a couple of miles from where my family came from. My family name is McIntyre. My family came to that town a few years ago to have a family reunion. There were about 400 of us who descended on that poor little town. We doubled the population of the town in one day. Well anyway the town has a great distillery there named Oben. Strange Huh? I'm sure that you can get that Scotch Whiskey from a number of liquor stores in your area. Ask your store to order it and it will come. HA! Bev and More comes to mind. Get the 14 year old stuff, nothing less will do. THE MUG!! That is a mans mug. I can get my hand around the handle real nice. That is great. Thank you for everything. Hope to see the number 9 chair come out soon. Say HI to Val for me. Enclosed is a couple of pictures of me and my shop chair. Your friend.
Ford O.
Hi Scott,
Well I have been working on the Elegant Rocking Chair since February 16 and I hope to have it completed within a week.
This is my first chair that I have ever built and only the second piece of furniture that I have ever built and I want to thank you for the templates and the video because without them I could never have built this rocker.
Just to refresh your memory when I ordered the plans from you I told you that we are expecting our first grandchild and I wanted to build a rocking chair for our daughter.
My Daughter is dew this month and I will have the chair completed before she has her baby. Thanks so much for the great video it has made it possible to do what would seem like the impossible.
I have been enjoying the process and the learning as well.
I hope you and your family are all well and that you are busy as ever in your workshop.
Thanks again,
G'day Scott from Australia,
I thoroughly enjoyed making your Ultimate Workshop and Contemporary Bar Stools. Thought you may like to see your designs in different timbers.
For the Workshop Stool I used Australian Eucalypts - Tasmanian Oak with Blue Gum (harder) for the footrest and plugs.
For the Bar Stool I used New Guinea Rosewood, with Wenge for the plugs.
I'm starting your Butterfly Joint Project now. Cheers
John C.
Hi Scott here are a couple of pictures of my lowback chair. I have oiled the chair with Danish oil, do you recommend waxing it also or is there something else that would work better. Also when you go to shows what do you polish your furniture with when you are there? Thanks again for your help.
Steve H.
Scott You guys did it again....you brought woodworking DVD'S to the next level!!!:) The Sculpted Pedestal Table was extremely easy to understand and very well presented. Kudos to Valerie for her exceptional work. It was well worth the wait!!
Scott, The Sculpted Table is really a great video and instuctions! It looks easy enough that even I could build the table in my sleep with no mistakes! Missed seeing your dog, though.
Pete  Green Bay, WI
Dear Mr. Morrison I just built the classic rocker from your blueprints and countless viewings of your DVD. I think it turned out great. Thanks. You are a very good teacher, the DVD and prints are excellent. I can't say how long it took me. I'm pretty sure I'd burned up a few hundred hours watching the DVDs. Now I must confess a lot of that was naptime, you know, right after a shower and just before going to bed I'd pop in a DVD into the computer, stay focused for about 30 minutes then wake up to your theme music. But the countless viewings prepped me for all the chairmaking steps and it all went smoothly. I think I used about 10 sessions of garage time ranging from two to maybe six hours and that includes wheeling out the tools and tables, setting up, breaking down and sweeping up. Does that sound about par for the chair? I wasn't putzing, but I wasn't trying to go fast or hit a deadline. I was, well maybe I was going at a leisurely, government worker type pace after all. Let's call it a focused relaxation. Which is what a sparetime hobby that doesn't pay money should be. Anyway, I appreciate your attention to detail and skill at putting the tutoral together. I have a list of projects I have to check off but intend to build another of your chairs, I'm estimating by late summer. Oh yeah, I'd send you a picture of the chair but I need my 13 year old daughter to coach me in how to download my cellphone or digital camera and she is at a sleep over tonight. Maybe you should do a DVD on that or maybe my daughter should. Sincerely, your student.
I just completed my second project from your plans. Two bar stools to use in our kitchen. These were made from Cherry grown in Appottamox Virginia and harvested at a local sawmill in that area. The finish involved ammonia fuming for 24 hours followed by four coats of Waterlox satin then Briwax with antique mahogany tint. The plugs are ebony (purchased as turning blanks from Woodcraft, source unknown).
As another note the walnut side chair I completed in September won 2nd place in the North Carolina State Fair. I sent some photos of that project a few months ago.
Jeff C.
Hi Scott,
I arrived at the "sanding and finishing" line! All the shaping is done. (see attached). Not that I am ready to put the finish on, but I wanted to get your opinion on what finish to use. I was thinking of using the Danish Oil finish (natural). However, I am not sure if that is the best choice. I would like the hickory to come out a bit darker than the raw color that you see in the picture, but don't really want to stain it either. What finish do you use? Do you have any advice as to brand, color etc. ? Thanks,
Alex E.
I have had a design in my head for a few years now. I wasn't sure how to put it all together until, I did your Tea Party chair. So the day after christmas 3 weeks before our baby was due (Born Yesterday) I decided to put my design down on a template. I worked it all out on paper and started to mill plane and shape this bassinet. The one part of the design I could never figure out was the legs. But after doing the tea party chair I knew I would be able to put my plan to work. I am attaching some pictures so you can see how much good your dvd's and simple steps help. I was able to apply the legs to build a bassinet for my daughter. I built and designed everything( Except your legs) I made each spindle and stretcher. I followed the hand rub finish and just finished the last coat on Saturday. Thanks for your dvd's they connect the ability with the knowledge to do things. Next Is the elegant rocker, also in rustic cherry.