Building a Low-back Chair

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The complete guide to learning how to build a Sam Maloof inspired low-back chair.  Sam used to call this little beauty “his favorite chair,” and after sitting in it, you’ll immediately see why.  You know that “spot” on your lower back?  The one that starts to ache after a long day at work (or play)?  Well, sit in one of these and that “spot” will feel so much better, you’ll probably start singing.  In fact, you’ll feel so darn good, you might even take up dancing or rollerblading (they still do that, right?).  Think of the sheer joy you will experience, rollerblading down a local hill while singing and dancing as you whoosh past your astonished neighbors.

Okay, maybe not.  But trust me, this chair is a keeper.

This video is part of our Maloof Inspired Library, which is a special collection of videos dedicated to building furniture ispired by the Legendary Sam Maloof.